Do you have questions about COVID practices in place in the massage studio or about COVID in general? This is a place for clients (or anyone) to find information about the pandemic and how best to keep themselves and their loved ones safe. Links to articles and videos that I believe give an accurate picture of what we currently know (and what we don't yet know) will be added periodically. I hope this is helpful.
As far as the massage studio goes, there are numerous protocols in place for client safety and comfort:
- There are two HEPA filters in the massage room running 24 hours a day and on high during sessions.
- There is a humidifier to keep the humidity between 40-60% (recommended for preventing transmission) during the winter when windows are closed.
- The windows are kept open whenever weather allows with the ceiling fan running. Even with the windows closed during inclement weather, there is a minimum air exchange rate of 9 AEH (air exchanges per hour)-- higher with the ceiling fan and exhaust fans running and over 12 AEH with the windows open.
- All touched surfaces will continue to be wiped down with hospital-grade disinfectant and extra layers of protective coverings have been added to the massage table and face cradle.
- The therapist wears an N95 while working and is fully vaccinated.
- The therapist continues to do thorough hand-washing before and after every client.
- Sessions are scheduled with ample time between clients to allow the room to air out completely.
- Clients are sent a pre-screening form before every session to make sure everyone feels well when coming to their session. If the client or therapist feels ill, the appointment is rescheduled.
These are just a few of the procedures to help ensure your health and safety. Feel free to contact the therapist if you have more questions.
Seven Months Later, What We Know About COVID-19-- and the pressing questions that remain -- STAT News Article is a little long, but very thorough review of what we know thus far --8/17/2020
Even Asymptomatic People Carry the Coronavirus in High Amounts - NY Times We still don't know to what extent asymptomatic carriers spread the disease, but they definitely have the potential --8/6/2020
The Astounding Physics of N95 Masks - YouTube video by PMinutePhsyics Just a really interesting video on how N95 masks work (I had no idea)
Massage and Blood Clots: What We Know About Deep Vein Thrombosis & COVID-19 (possible mechanism found) - Massage Magazine The bottom line is that anyone recovered from COVID-19 will require a cautious approach to massage when I am able to resume. Updated 8/19/2020
Use of Masks to Help Slow the Spread of COVID-19 -- CDC Website The CDC website has an immense amount of useful information. This is just one helpful page.
COVIDView: A Weekly Surveillance Summary of U.S. COVID-19 Activity -- CDC Website This is another great page to keep up-to-date on how it's progressing in the US
Cases & Deaths by County -- CDC Website Use the drop-down menu to choose Colorado-- difficult to navigate on a mobile device- recommend desktop computer
COVID-19 Resources -- APS (American Physiological Society) Another huge resource of information, articles, etc.
DORA's instructions for Massage Therapists in practice -- Dept of Regulatory Agencies